Pre-Construction Services

Pre-Construction Services

Steel Build Masters pre-construction services, as the name suggests, are a full range of specialist services provided before any actual construction begins. These services are very important to make sure any project goes smoothly and most importantly can save money on the cost of materials and the construction by considering the project as a whole from the start.

Pre-construction is the first phase of the overall planning, coordination, and control of a construction job. Pre-construction gives the client a clear picture for what their project is going to look like, how it is going to get done, and when every aspect of the project will be completed.

Pre-construction services are used to help meet a client’s vision as well as match their construction budget. These services will make sure a project is feasible on a given site, meet all required regulations and enable the client to look into some more cost-effective options.

Steel Build Masters excel in pre-construction services. Our ability to design a building from scratch to meet both needs and budget is something we are extremely proud of. Where most other companies ‘shift boxes’ in as far as reselling buildings or simply providing a static range of buildings with no thought or care about the actual needs of the client, Steel Build Masters turn this approach on its head working closely with clients from the outset to ensure each project has been carefully considered from all angles.

Apart from anything else, our comprehensive service ensures each project is fully managed and both quality and speed are maintained throughout with a single point of contact for the client to ensure clear and simple communication..

Our pre-construction services include a full site survey, complete bespoke design service, specialist planning services and building control management. Every you require from under one roof.

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